Sunday, May 15, 2011

Who am I and what am I doing here?

To be honest, I was hoping that you could tell me.  Well, obviously I know who I am.  I'm a 30 something woman, with 3 furry children (2 kitties and a puppy), married to a wonderful man.  I live in a place I love and have many amazing friends.  That is who I am.  What I'm doing here, however...that's another story.

I find myself at a very strange point in my life.  Circumstances have forced me to wander down a dark and winding path into a forest that I don't know.  I'm not sure how comfortable I am in this mysterious wilderness  That is, I suppose, why I'm here.  I'm hoping that someone has a map to guide me, or at least be able to tell me which way is north.

Yes, I'm aware that I'm being vague.  I need to reveal all of this at my own pace.  This would be an appropriate time to mention that in this blog...

some details have been changed to coddle the embarrassed.

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